How to Reduce the Environmental Impact of House Moving

Moving to a new home can be both an exciting and nerve-racking experience. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the logistics of moving, and it’s easy to lose sight of the impact your move will have on the natural world in that state of mind. Moving houses can have a significant impact on one’s carbon footprint, which is surprising. 

In this day and age, when human actions have a negative impact on the natural world, it is more important than ever to consider the environment in everything we do. Some of the things that can be done to move homes in an environmentally responsible manner are listed below. 

1. Use Extreme Caution When Choosing a Moving Company 

Several moving companies have recently begun to implement more environmentally friendly practices and modernize their service delivery methods. When movers need to plan a move with a customer, they now schedule a video call rather than driving to the customer’s home. These video consultations reduce the likelihood of the mover becoming ill and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced by their vehicles if they drove to the property. 

Conducting video calls with a large number of movers will result in significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. You should also ask the moving company if the vehicles they use are fuel-efficient and meet any particulate matter emission standards. 

Your decision could have a big impact on how your relocation affects the environment. Read the environmental policies of the moving companies and take them into account when making your decision. 

Inquire about the availability of fuel-efficient vehicles, such as hybrid vans or biodiesel-powered vans, from businesses that sell them. If you can’t find any, look into the steps removalists are taking to reduce their carbon footprint. Mural, an online platform, can help you find movers in Perth. This platform will connect you with eco-friendly moving companies to ensure that your relocation is environmentally friendly. 

You can also help to reduce carbon emissions by planning a good route for yourself and the moving company you hire. Plan a route that includes both wide and well-maintained roads, and avoid roads that are difficult to drive on and have steep inclines. It’s important to remember that the cheapest or shortest routes aren’t always the most energy-efficient. 

2. Think About Moving Boxes 

The majority of people use cardboard boxes when moving. These containers, on the other hand, are made of wood harvested from trees. If you must use them, make sure to squash them down and either keep them for future use or bring them to a recycling center. 

Removal companies, on the other hand, will usually provide reusable plastic containers for you to pack your belongings in, which you will be able to return to them once you have unpacked. Making something reusable rather than recyclable is an excellent alternative. Smaller items can be organized by using drawers and suitcases as storage containers. 

3. Remove Clutter With Caution 

If you have a large number of belongings, the movers will have to make several trips to deliver everything. The greater the total number of trips, the greater the total amount of CO2 emitted by automobiles. 

If you declutter your space, you will reduce the number of trips you make. A portion of your money will be saved because the movers will not have to make as many trips. 

It is suggested that you sort through your belongings and send items that you no longer use or require to be upcycled, recycled, or donated to people in need. 

4. Use eco-friendly materials to wrap your gifts

The majority of people wrap their fragile possessions in bubble wrap, various types of plastic, or styrofoam. At the moment, single-use plastic accounts for roughly 40% of all plastics produced; the environment should not suffer as a result of your relocation. Because these plastics cannot be recycled, they frequently end up in landfills or floating in bodies of water. 

Paper bubble wrap is now available, and another option worth considering is to use old newspapers. You can obtain boxes by visiting your local store and asking if you can use their old packaging instead. You can also wrap the fragile items in different items such as clothes, blankets, bedding, towels, and so on. 

5. Donate Instead of Throwing It Away 

It is strongly advised that you downsize your belongings before moving into a new home; however, there is no need to get rid of items that are still in working order. When you move into a partially furnished home, you may discover that you need to get rid of some of your existing furniture. 

The vast majority of people who relocate dispose of their old furniture in landfills. The landfills are responsible for a significant amount of toxic emissions. Donating your old furniture is preferable to throwing it away, but if you’re unsure whether or not to get rid of a specific piece, you can always store it. 

This principle also applies to one’s wardrobe; plan ahead of time and get rid of everything you own to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Consider donating items you no longer require to others who could benefit from them, such as friends, local charities, or families. 

6. Minimize the amount of chemical damage 

You can reduce the amount of chemical damage by cleaning responsibly. You will have a lot of cleaning to do when you move. To reduce the amount of damage caused by harmful chemicals, use environmentally friendly cleaning products. 

You can make cleaning products that are both environmentally friendly and cost effective. Combine one liter of hot water, half a freshly squeezed lemon, one tablespoon of baking powder, and a quarter cup of white vinegar to make a multi-surface cleaner. 

7. Reduce Food Wastage 

Even though it is tempting to get rid of everything in your old cupboards so that you can start fresh in your new home, it is wise to reconsider this strategy to reduce the amount of food that is wasted. 

Examine the contents of your kitchen cabinets a few weeks before moving and devise a meal plan based on what you have on hand. You can take advantage of this opportunity to experiment with new recipes and be creative in the kitchen. 

Because food doesn’t travel well, especially perishable foods like fresh produce, you should try to eat everything you own before moving. Even food that was stored in the freezer will spoil after the move because it will defrost. If you are unable to consume all of the food provided, rather than wasting it, consider donating it to those in need. 

Finishing Touches 

You can reduce your environmental impact while moving without wasting time. We sincerely hope that the information provided above is useful in mitigating the negative effects of your relocation on the environment. After you’ve moved in, consult your Energy Performance Certificate to determine the best way to improve the property’s energy efficiency.

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