A Guide On How to Clean Playing Cards 

My generation grew up without personal computers or cell phones. We would usually play card games in the evenings after spending the day outside playing board games. Playing with cards reminds me of my childhood and transports me to a world where magic exists. Playing card games is the best way to exercise your mind and keep it sharp. When it came to refreshments, however, card games clearly lacked something essential. When I was a kid, my parents always made sure I had something to eat when we played card games. You can probably imagine how filthy a deck of cards could become if five to ten children played with it while eating. 

If your cards become dirty after each round of play, you will need to take additional precautions to ensure that they remain clean. It will be more difficult to shuffle your cards if there is dirt on them. As a result, it is critical that you keep your cards clean. As a result, in this section, I’ll go over a few methods for cleaning them. I’ve tried each and every one of them! You are free to choose whichever of these appeals to you the most! 

How Do You Clean Playing Cards? 

1. Damp Tissues 

Wet wipes are a great tool to have on hand if you want to clean your playing cards after only one or two uses but they don’t appear to be particularly dirty. Make sure you have tissues or wipes on hand to clean your cards after each day of play. Dust, filth, and crunchies can be avoided, and your playing cards will be safer for longer if you do so. 

2. Talcum powder or cornmeal (optional) 

If you follow this simple and safe procedure, you can easily clean your magic cards. Find someone to help you with the mundane household tasks. To begin, fill a paper bag halfway with cornstarch and talcum powder. Use a couple of tablespoons of each. Keep the bag closed and shake it vigorously. After that, use a paper towel to wipe each card clean. This will make removing oil and grease stains from the playing cards much easier. Water is not required because the cornstarch absorbs both the oils and the residue. 

3. White bread is the answer

If there are any smudges or fingerprints on the card, rub it with a slice of white bread to remove them. Make sure the bread is not stale and is fluffy. After you’ve completed the required number of rounds, wipe each card with a clean, dry towel. This procedure not only cleans the playing cards but also gives them a sheen. 

4. Only use ice-cold water and gentle soap

Many of you may be carrying plastic cards. So, how exactly do you clean plastic playing cards? The good news is that plastic cards are easy to clean. If you have high-quality plastic-coated playing cards, you can try this strategy. Take a lint-free microfiber towel or an old one and thoroughly clean it. Apply some ice water to dampen it. You could also add a small amount of gentle dish soap or shampoo to the mixture. After cleaning both sides with a wet towel, wipe them down with a dry cloth. Never substitute detergent for soap because it may cause damage to your deck. 

Additionally, make an effort to keep the washing and drying processes as quick as possible. You can also dry them by leaving them on the bed. However, you should avoid direct sunlight. Some people even recommend using hair dryers or microwaves to dry wet playing cards. These methods, however, should never be used with plastic cards. They can certainly speed up the process, but there’s a chance they’ll also ruin your favorite deck of cards in other ways. 

5. Camphor and Cotton Ball-Based Alcohol 

Giving old playing cards new life can be a difficult process. This type of playing card may necessitate more time and attention. You can clean the extremely dirty deck by soaking a cotton ball in camphor spirits and scrubbing the surface. Use it to clean each of the playing cards after that. If you don’t have any cotton balls on hand, you can use crustless white bread soaked in camphor instead. This method, which is very effective, allows you to give the impression that your old playing cards are brand new. 

Things to Take into Account 

  • When playing cards are exposed to liquids such as water or solvents, warping can occur. 
  • If your playing cards have become severely soiled or oily, it is time to replace them. 
  • When exposed to hot water, plastic cards may discolor. As a result, the best way to clean playing cards is with cold water. 
  • Cleaning instruments should never be used to scrub cards. When cleaning, a microfiber towel should always be used. 
  • In the event that your card box is damaged or misplaced, keep your playing cards safe in a container designed to hold travel soap bars. 
  • You could also use old bounce sheets to clean any plastic-coated playing cards. 
  • If you want higher-quality cards, it is best to avoid purchasing cheap ones. 

How to Clean Your Pokemon Cards Correctly 

It is in your best interests to protect your playing cards from becoming soiled in the first place. Card sleeves are the most effective way to keep your Pokémon and Magic trading cards in good condition for an extended period of time. As a result, keep a few hand wipes on hand at all times, and don’t be afraid to ask your guests to clean their hands after they’ve eaten. Alternatively, if you are playing cards, do not provide any greasy or oily snacks. The oils are easily transferred to the cards, which adds to their stickiness. 

If your playing cards have unsightly stains and fingerprints, consider purchasing a fine art gum or dough eraser. You can benefit from using these solutions to clean your favorite card decks. This method will clean your card’s surface, removing any loose debris and leaving it shiny. Proceed slowly and with caution. Here are some fascinating facts about playing cards. 

These are the five best ways to clean magic cards in my opinion. I hope you found some of these hints and suggestions useful. You should try each one and then pick the one that works best for you based on the type of card you have. Have fun, and remember to clean up after yourself!

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