8 of the Best Blog Posting Apps for Smartphones 

Writers have benefited greatly from the advancements in technology that have taken place in recent years. Downloading an application is all that is required to get you started with writing down your ideas, thoughts, concepts, and character drawings. Blogging via mobile devices, namely smartphones, is rapidly becoming more popular. It is similar to the popularity of gambling sites like theseThe following is a list of eight applications that, when used together, will not only make maintaining a blog from your mobile device simple but also pleasant.

1. WordPress’s website 

This is one of the most widely used platforms for blogging that is now offered on the internet. The WordPress blogging app is not only highly helpful and easy to use, but it is also compatible with each and every WordPress blog. It is possible to create, modify, and publish entries on a blog.

Additionally, you can use it to moderate comments, examine analytics information, and submit photographs right from your phone all with this one app. You can utilize it to perform each and every one of these tasks as well. After using this software for a while, I came to the realization that it is crucial and necessary for everyone who wants to begin blogging on their mobile phone. I arrived at this conclusion after using it for a while.

2. The blogger 

Another popular hosting platform that also has an application available is essential to have an application for your blog host if you want to run your blog on your mobile phone. Both apps are distinct from one another, with the WordPress app being smaller than the Blogger app. Many people use this program to operate their blogs from their mobile devices. 

3. Snapseed 

The tool known as Snapseed can be used to edit photographs; but, in addition to that, it can also be used to add text to images and modify existing images. When it comes to running a blog, the importance of photos and text is on par with one another.

It is imperative that you make use of photographs that are exclusive to your website in order for your material to be indexed by search engines. The process of adding text to images is made much easier by Snapseed thanks to the app’s comprehensive collection of typefaces and shape possibilities.

 4. The Handheld Application 

This program, as the name implies, provides a location where you can save anything you want to view later. It makes time management much easier for you. Videos, articles and other content can be saved to the Pocket app, and you can even save content directly from social networking apps. This app is very useful because it allows you to gather ideas for your next article as well as save information that is considered to be the best in your specific field. 

5. The Google Analytics application 

You’ll be able to keep track of what’s happening on your phone in real-time if you use this app. Using this application on your mobile device, you are able to monitor any modifications that are made to your website. With the assistance of the app, you can also share reports with anybody you choose to share them with. This program is one of the most helpful tools you can have when it comes to starting a blog, just as real money casinos online are a fantastic place to start if you want to play casino games online. When it comes to starting a blog, this software is one of the most useful resources you can have. You may play slots for real money at several online casinos.

6. Pixabay 

This piece of software is absolutely free, and it will give you access to free images that you can use in your articles and posts on your blog. The majority of the time, it might be challenging to obtain a correct photograph; nevertheless, if you use this application, you won’t have to deal with any difficulties at all. The application contains a number of different categories, each of which can be instantly downloaded onto your mobile device. The application does suffer from a few glitches, but that is to be anticipated when making use of a free service.

Google Drive is number seven 

The online storage and backup service offered by Google is known by its brand name, Google Drive. This is a service that is utilized by a number of bloggers that I am acquainted with, and the monthly pricing can range anywhere from $1.99 to $99.99. You have the ability to keep drafts of documents in Google Docs, in addition to images, notes, and data stored in Google Sheets. It has a storage capacity of 100 GB, which ought to be sufficient for getting things rolling for you. Because your work will be saved to the cloud, you won’t need to worry about the software crashing at an inconvenient time for you.

An App for Writing 

This piece of software has been of great assistance to me ever since I first came across it not too long ago. Regardless of the industry or profession that you work in, these applications will motivate you to put your ideas down on paper. Writing is the major objective of maintaining a blog, and the production of writing that is of good quality is the one and the only thing that will differentiate your blog from the other blogs that are out there. This program will point you on the correct path and, on occasion, offer suggestions for themes or ideas for you to write about.

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