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Did Fidel Castro Almost Join MLB?

As history tells it, numerous rulers throughout the ages have fancied themselves athletes, often claiming prowess in various sports. Fidel Castro, the former leader of Cuba, was no exception to this trend. The enduring legend suggests that Castro possessed remarkable talent as a baseball pitcher, catching the eyes of Major League Baseball scouts. But how […]

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Chastity Belt Myth of the Middle Ages

Contrary to popular belief, the iconic image of medieval chastity belts – iron contraptions designed to preserve a woman’s fidelity – is more myth than historical fact. This article delves into the origins and realities of this enduring myth, exploring how it has captured our imagination and why it persists in popular culture. While chastity […]

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Monte Carlo’s Biggest Win

The Casino de Monte-Carlo stands as an iconic gambling establishment, renowned worldwide. Its fame is augmented by numerous media references, most notably in the song “The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo.” This song has sparked curiosity about the identity of the gambler it references and the true nature of his achievement. The […]

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